First instalment of our two part tour podcast from The Netherlands. We talk about why we went to visit the Dutch courses, the adventures on getting there, the rounds and the courses themselves and a few good stories along the way. We talk about Rye, Eindhovensche Golf & Utrechtse Golfclub De Pan. Pt II will be with you on Thursday morning, so you won’t have to wait long!

Appreciate this is a beast of an episode and only Joe Rogan can really get away with 3 hour podcasts!

Big thanks to our series sponsor Footjoy for making this trip a reality, our friends in The Netherlands and of course the clubs who supported this and allowed us to bring you all this content!

hello and welcome back to the cookie jar golf podcast I am Tom Mills and this is
going to be the tour film Roundup part one there’s gonna be two of these in this first podcast we talk about our
trip over why we went by car not by air and playing Eindhoven who tracked a pan
and this is part of the Netherlands series content which we record at the end of 2022. in total there’s going to be seven
films and we’re going to be releasing those every week from the 17th of January
huge shout out to our series sponsor FootJoy who helped make this dream trip come true really we were really lucky to get to partner
with such an iconic brand and FootJoy the number one shoe on tour trusted by more PGA players than any other and have
been since 1945. before we went out there the guys put together a care package for us in the Netherlands
everything from Footwear gloves clothing uh we’re very lucky indeed and a special
mention must go to the chinos they provided comfortable stretchy and well tailored
and in a range of colors now most of you know I’m an avid kind of burgundy guy um unfortunately there must have been
some mix up in the uh in the order because I got sent some navy blue pair but actually I think I’m
now they’re so comfortable I’m now converting into a navy blue guy which is really hurting me so I’m gonna have to
get in touch with FootJoy and get some burgundy ones but they are so comfortable and I live in them perfect
for everything from the golf club to dinner in the evening for more info on any footage products head over to at
FootJoy Europe or visit and without further Ado here’s a podcast
hello and welcome back you
can lead it you can do it you’ve opened up come on you’ve done a couple of podcasts recently you must be good yeah
you’re one of our most frequent guests uh hello and welcome back to the cookie
jar golf podcast I’m Bruce and I’m joined by Tom Mills hello I’m Sam
Williams thank you for having me Bruce Bruce what can we look forward to in this podcast this podcast is all about
the recent trip to the Netherlands or Holland but actually there’s maybe
something to discuss about the different terminology there which we can get into in the middle of the podcast
um but yeah it’s our only real annual sort of headline annual trip
this year so we’ve got lots to unpack really there’s a huge amount in here could be a beast
this one um this will probably go out early January would be my guess
which will be some provide some comfort for those missing the World Cup
because I think that concludes around Christmas so we will be launching this podcast to accompany the filming
work that will be going out presumably we’ll be drip feeding the films sounds looking I haven’t watched the films yet
because they haven’t been made but I can assure you the films are well worth watching over on our YouTube channel
um we just like to overpower people’s audio visual senses just with an absolute sort of
Smorgasbord of course it should be good right the putting what do you what’s the what you’ve got it back in the edit room
you haven’t done anything with it yet but a few sexy trailers that I’ve seen yeah photos is good the lights we were
very lucky with the weather really I mean I’m sure we’ll get into this uh but our wonderful host case that you’ll hear
more from shortly because that there’ll be a podcast with case accompanying the Eindhoven film but he assured us you get
good golf in the Netherlands at late October um which we’d like to find out last year
um of rain but we actually had really good weather and really good light so the footage should be good whether or
not we can make good films from it who knows enough enough false modesty boys
it won’t be edited so we’re just gonna have to commit to it the films are banging right yeah banging
um if not I’ll just I’ll just slow everything down to like four four times slowness and just do everything in slow
motion and just work she can get away with us some sexy music over the top of it that’ll hide it it does make a
difference having good footage though doesn’t it because we’ve talked about it in terms
of the films like lots of our films are about the club and the club and the course are at the
center of our film just never really been about us this will be a little bit more about us um but essentially this I think it’s a
good sort of segue into the podcast really I don’t want to get too deep into it but the stories of lots of these
clubs are very similar so it’s we can’t just make a film that just says what the
story was because the story across all of them was fairly similar with the exception of nordvike but
um yeah it’s going to be interesting to see how the films come out I’m excited it gives me architecturally they’re similar I think we should we should say
they are in terms of radically different clubs I would say but in terms of the history and the architecture and how they came about they’ve got quite
similar backstories big cult yeah big cult stuff but let’s roll into it because I think we’ve we’ve cleared our
throat enough with this with this podcast and the content that’s going to accompany it is it probably worth us
just introing maybe why the Netherlands I feel like anyone that’s listened to this podcast for a while when I think we
should chat I’ve had a bit of a hard on for the Netherlands for quite some time now oh very eloquent yeah well I think I
think you know you can probably change that actually you you do you you do seem to be best place to tell us or to tell
everyone out there listening to this why we wanted to go to the Netherlands so take it away Sammy so I’ve we’ve all I
think you know at Blackwell we’ve played with a golf with some guys that they’re involved in the foursomes Club of Holland
um quite a bunch of guys you know they they enjoy the stuff off the course just as
much as on but you know anecdotally that the golf courses are brilliant I think that’s well known but there’s lots of
really good golf courses where we live and you know I always have this weird thing when I explained it that I quite
liked the idea of ordering lunch off a Dutch menu having just played a great golf course in Europe so for me there’s
almost just something a little bit more I don’t know maybe you know it’s not quite a that’s a
ridiculous reason to go to Holland no but there’s almost like a cult place I could give you there’s a
different golfing culture like I’ve always said getting out of the car of car park of a golf course you’ve never
seen before is really exciting but there’s only so you know there’s only so much you can see across you know England
Scotland Wales Island Etc you know I think we would all agree the cultural hit of golf
in the Netherlands was radically different and that was that was kind of something I wanted to experience
um and of course see like the gray golf courses the cult stuff you know I I think you know nobody I nobody I ever
maybe a couple of people I know that have done a tour over there not many like it’s it’s pretty much
untrodden territory for many people now if you’ve been to Scotland you’ve been to one you’ve done a few of these types
of traps now you can really expose yourself to something radically different I think when it comes to culture the city it’s just a great you
know you know great Continental feel in places like Utrecht and the Hague isn’t it you want it to move there I mean I
think you still do want to move there with the with the family you’re tracked or the Hague and you haven’t even been
to Amsterdam so maybe that could be a fantastic Amsterdam right okay but we didn’t go on this trip but I think I
think it’s interesting because a lot of people uh the that we respect respect Dutch
Golf and it kind of is one of those things for us where and certainly championed by Sam but it’s one of those
things where if those guys say it’s okay let’s go there and we’re in the business of making content
and if you search these places like I think for some of those clubs we were the first people to be allowed to go on
there and film certainly photograph some um but there isn’t a huge level of media
that covers out there so it was it was a good thing for us that we were able to um try and try and get out there and and
highlight it a little bit yeah there’s a lot of content on golf in Scotland and
golf and Ireland and certain parts of America as well but um yeah it felt like a real blind spot didn’t it uh and none
of us right so yeah I’d done a lot more research than both of you really because
exactly no no not only because I oddly aged and teed things up and I just wanted to make sure we didn’t Rock up
and make any own goals by just skipping something really important that we should have shot on the first First Tee for example so I’d done a bit but there
isn’t that much content out there so you don’t see that much of it so you know pretty much well all the courses I was still going in blind it wasn’t like I’d
maybe the 10th hole that attract you see a lot of but there wasn’t a huge amount of oh I know this because the 15th at
Kendama is going to be this absolutely banging uphill par three I didn’t really know that stuff going in so we were all
looking at the courses pretty blind maybe I had a better read on what the difference of the clubs would be a little bit more culturally and you know
the clubhouse feels and stuff but we’re all visiting these clubs for the first time never having been so there was that
Adventure whereas when we’ve done the Scottish stuff invariably one of us has played there or been there before yeah
so it was good to do it it was good to explore it together and I think we’re all Gideon’s kippers weren’t we but
we’ve we’ve established the the why now let’s start to go into the how because I
think the how was it was challenging at times I mean yeah I’m trying to cast cast our minds back
to when we we’d obviously been talking about it for for a number of months if not over a
year or so that this was really the tool we wanted to do in 2022 and trying to make Diaries work and
obviously the commitments that we all have it was challenging but I think it got halfway through the summer maybe I’m maybe I’m thinking sort of June July
time you’re like right we’ve found some dates we’ve got the dates didn’t we October I think this is a good time no
it’s September wasn’t it well it was initially September and then and this is where this is yeah I think Dutch way
comes in because I remember do you remember we had that massive conversation we’re like right there was these are literally the only dates we
can do in the second half of the Year where we can clear four days to go on tour and do this together so I emailed case
and the Dutch just have a very I mean Willem explained it to us over dinner didn’t he a little bit when on the last night which we’ll no doubt talk about
the Dutch have a different way of communicating they just don’t mince their words they’re clear and categoric they’re not rude but it’s just the way
we we are not efficient with our words I’m not we dance around it it’s not really clear when we answer
questions so I’d emailed these dates to Case and it was just like reply back was Sam I’m not very happy at all with this
that’s just like oh Christ we’ve burnt the bridges there boys Holland’s off in perpetuity but then we managed to circle
around on the very back end of October which is what the four days before the clocks change so you know kind of shades
of that first Scotland trip we did we’re a bit worried weren’t we that not just the light but the weather should be a
bit questionable but it ended up being you know perfect time of year we literally couldn’t have picked four
better days I don’t think in the whole year to go and play um so I I was tasked we delegated
travel so in fact I think Sam’s was well I’ve done everything else so you can just go and do this I’ve sort out the
golf so you just actually Bruce ended up Banning you out but please continue yeah so I’ve booked with I think I know that
we’ve we’ve touched on our official sponsor with uh with FootJoy thank you for trying but the first unofficial
sponsor of this podcast has to be KLM who tried desperately to keep us away
from Holland I mean they really tried any harder they we booked our flights we’d done
um we paid for the golf bags which is invariably Wings on the plane yeah then
then the flights and and you think okay well Sam was going on holiday uh with his
family at like 6 a.m the next day the day after we returned so like the very
very last flight we could get was 5 p.m on the Saturday I think it was so we had
these flights booked in it was all it was all looking brilliant and uh I get an email from KLM saying well
I’m assuming they did it because not enough people signed up to the fight but they canceled the 5 PM fly and put us on
a like 11 pm flight which you couldn’t do because it wouldn’t get you back in time that was certainly high risk to my
marriage yeah yeah it would have been Troublesome with you with your wife getting on on a plane with your son to Tenerife without you I think that would
have been yeah that would have been a problem um to which I I sent KLM an email said well
that’s brilliant can I cancel the return flight then please because we’ll just fly back with a different with a
different carrier and then that’s when the fireworks really started which basically resulted
to paraphrase them saying no you can’t do that so we’re going to cancel all of your flights now then removed your
booking entirely so we now had no outbound flight no outbound flight either then they said well we’ll refund
you but then they refunded you like 20p on the pound or something so we were
massively out of pocket and then asked me to rebook the original flight for three times as much as we paid for this
and then someone came out with the ludicrous idea of driving and I was like yeah that’s just absolutely absurd there’s no way we’re doing it and I’ll
be honest at my words it was well two three weeks out they saw yeah so for context this all kicked off about two
weeks before we were due to to go to Holland
um we’ve obviously been yeah hauled over a barrel by KLM wasn’t looking good flying out there
Tom and I then decided that we should take a car I don’t think we were particularly clear between us to be fair
to Sam as to what that car was actually going to do I think it was common sense though well no I don’t know if it was
because we were there was talk of a ferry you kept saying look there was talking for Euro tunnel we actually
meant the Euro tunnel but I definitely threw the word ferry in plenty of times and Sam I think was playing golf on a
Saturday surprisingly Tom and I weren’t but on on a Saturday in question yeah
Sam was playing golf and had a couple of glass of wine at lunch and then just had a percent a barrage of WhatsApp saying I’m absolutely not driving insane idea
no you’ve got to fly for 45 minutes when we loaded up the loaded up the car
it all looked out for a bit there is no way we would have actually been able to fly with all the gear we took over there with us but yeah
um yeah I just had these like desperate ideas that I was going to be stranded on the coast at Calais just watching a
flight to Tenerife I think we must say I mean and you obviously driving takes
longer clearly we drove from Birmingham to Eindhoven essentially but crazy long
the same as Castle Stewart yeah but it took us it’s probably the the driving
time was six hours and the shuttle was 40 minutes how good is that Bloody Euro
Euro tunnel is you’re superb plus whatever we’ve got on there yeah he’s up
go and grab a sandwich and a drink yeah and then do some swing instruction outside on the outside yeah we went we
spent both Journeys at half an hour and I think we did of that hour at least 52 minutes pointed at Tom mills’s impact
position yeah we did we did really go on some swing five days apart I’m crunching
the ball a minute by the way so I don’t know why you’re bringing me into this I’m mutilating the guys say you’re wearing it out yeah but
because of that it’s amazing how things come full circle isn’t it um so anyway yeah I mean just to
backtrack slightly the other great thing about driving is we realize that we’ve got to get the Euro tunnel from
folkestone and 35 minutes along the coast is rye golf club which given this
was this whole trip was a homage to Harry Cole yeah Harry Cole felt like let’s go meet him where this whole thing
starts and see if there is Sam who sort of flagged that you know several hours later after after he’d sent this barrage
of abuse on what the WhatsApp dream chat an emotional guy to be fair could be quite a good story actually following
the footsteps of Harry Cole Etc so then we were all aligned from that moment a week and a half out we were aligned on
driving around getting out of London yeah definitely incurred a congestion
charge which I don’t think I’ve been hit with yet but things crossed um
and yeah I drove down we rendezvous at row played 15 holes there didn’t we for
our for our listeners that perhaps do not know the link between cold and rye
obviously we’re going to go on to talk about what Colt did in the Netherlands shortly but for those of the people that
don’t know the connection between cult and rye fire he was a solicitor for many years and
you know his first foray into golf course architecture came out right where the course was essentially founded
they’d asked him to establish a links which he did um this his work over in the continent
like in in places like you know the Netherlands and Germany and stuff like he was the club’s first Secretary as
well it was yeah it was like it’s really early it was his first work the stuff when you wind it on and you look at the
cult work in the Netherlands it’s pretty much all 1927 28 29 that’s called the
absolute peak of his powers um but yeah rise absolutely where it started for him yeah and it remains just
a brilliant um a brilliant test of golf a
fascinating layout with plenty of intrigue and and uh just a joy to play
um and that’s where it all started from you know he laid that course out in 1894 and subsequently became their first honorary secretary so uh the links with
with Ryan and Harry Colt Run Deep um yeah it was a perfect start so this
little thing with the rice and obviously right only played two balls so the idea is that you play six holes with two
people playing as a foursome and the other one playing as their their own ball yeah and you play a match against each other and every time every six
holes that alternator we did we did stable foot so we just did we just did totting up a stable foot as you go
through yeah but it then that means that one you get to play your own ball for
six holes and you play Sportsmans or 12 holes and it alternates and it’s nice I actually thought that was a great
formula so you all formats are not very brilliant very good that was a great one yeah especially if you want to skip
round I don’t know with links as well also you know first day of tour just when you really sort of getting that
excitement back I mean I’ve obviously missed out on a couple of tours with with you boys this year just because of
work and and other commitments and stuff and we’ve certainly not been kind of in one car which I think is a really kind
of important yeah peace peace of the other sort of overall morale
um and so just getting down there and being on the fairways at Ryan that having all that sort of building sense of anticipation Tom and I started out
didn’t we as the foursome’s pair playing against you on YouTube yeah flew out the gates brilliant and
then uh middle six it was salmon eye against Tom and then I played uh I
didn’t finish it three holes didn’t I yeah so I played 13 14 and 15 and the
light was fading and um you know we needed to go meet them there yeah we had to go meet the artist female artists
formerly known as the man yeah for a bit of dinner in Riot another lovely Town brilliant place
um yeah great fun he was you know searing form as always yeah outstanding
stuff and then that was where we sat down for dinner and I and we were like we were gonna drive to folkestone which would put us in bed for nine o’clock and
leave us like a five or six hour journey and we were like no let’s just
just to backtrack slightly just said because I realized that not everyone knows in the mirrors we met a friend a a
friend of the the podcast olly doors uh very good golfer we met him he just came out to meet us I mean he looks half the
man he used to be he’s lost a whole the whole ton of weight um does a health and fitness kit going around the south coast of Britain yeah
he came down came down to meet us we had some dinner and you boys were just on it and you’re like let’s just jump in the
car and go let’s like yeah but it would have been ridiculous like you just want to you just want to get as close too
don’t you because we’re due to be Eindhoven day one you know at like 11 or something
it’s like we were gonna have to be out of bed at like 4 30 a.m on some bloody train and then Anything could happen so
yeah you stepped up to the plate drove through the night and again but that was great fun going through the Euro tunnel
actually quite enjoy that sort of stuff I’d never seen it so it’s like it’s like airports are fascinating places because
you just see disagreeing like yeah and all that sort
of shuttle was was a lot more interesting than an airport but I don’t agree that Airport’s uh relentlessly
trying to take the car under the lowest Headroom it could I think I might have gone in the wrong lane
with a tin opener at one point yeah we were the first car on in that sort of
particular Lane it was slightly delayed wasn’t it but um we were like the first car on the guy’s sort of beckoning me
there and it’s just like well all of a sudden you know it’s just getting a little bit weird fishing then through
towns because you like drive across Dunkirk pretty much heading through the top of France into Belgium and then into
the Netherlands is like where do we stay and I was like well Ghent against we’ve got Bruges Contender as well but again
so like Ghent is a nice place yeah it’s really really nice the only nice not nice bit of again though I was like
should I get my drone up and start drowning these factories well it was weird though wasn’t it
because we must have got there at like half two in the morning or something it felt later than that
um yeah I don’t remember it that well but I
remember pulling into the car park of this hotel that was like write in a sort of industrial estate
there in Ghent and I don’t know whether they had some function on but it was just like every Supercar was just like
parked out somewhere around this car park so you just get it McLarens and all sorts you know what on
Earth is going on here and then again we’ve like had to go down down like under under the underground
car parking bit they don’t like giving themselves space to Parker there’s just not much to offer so I think we might
have even tucked it in a space that we probably weren’t supposed to be go up get checked in and then we’re in the
three-man room aren’t we that must have been 35 degrees I mean a Centigrade it
was boiling hot in there but we’re all so tired you just kind of like fall asleep Tom’s just like out for the count
I’ve sort of second man in I was just like okay whatever I’m asleep and then Sam was just fiddling around for what
seemed like 45 minutes and that was the first night at all really uh great great evening night
though staying again instead yeah and I felt Vindicated when someone said against a beautiful city and it was like
yeah we stayed with that Industrial Park just just moving tangentially I think
I think you can plan a lot with tour and I think some of the off the cuff stuff you do could be just like way more
interesting and I know this is a well-trodden path but saying yes to
things is a lot more liberating than saying that yeah imagine I’ve been stuck to our plan on folks and we’ve just been
like this is great like waking up in a Travel Lodge at folkeston at 4am to get the 5 a.m shuttle I’ve just been could
have been 100 100 I mean we had that like the challenge of eating a breakfast
in Belgium um that was funny that was funny but
what was the payment arrangements because we didn’t have breakfast includes we’ve gone down just kind of colored us well we put the whole thing
on the hoof didn’t we we’ve obviously got off at Cali I don’t even think we managed to book the hotel again at that point you know I was so with driving I
was just head down driving and it was on the way there you guys are getting back and forth um about about where to stay and you
booked this place and then we kind of checked in whatever and come down like okay breakfast isn’t included
no it wasn’t included we just went down and we’re like here for breakfast what’s your room this is our room number right
yeah sorry and then the blurb it’s just gone I’m I’m gonna wait till about my omelette I’ve got it he comes in in
college boys I’ve just found out you don’t have breakfast included so uh it’s 75 Euros
each or something we just lost 200 spots on a room we never stayed in folkeston as well
like is there anything we can do about this but he says and he just said yeah well you can give me give me no God yeah
you know what I just love it what did you say to me YouTube just going back and forth I want to tell the story go on
you have a go at it so then he turns out after saying it’s an extortionate amount of money it’s like 75 Euros each or
whatever it’s like this is ridiculous we’ve not eaten very much this is all we’re having he’s like yeah yeah you’re right you boys just give me 25 Euros it
was 50. fifth year as cash and we’ll sort it out I had half of mine to go over to the
reception and say do we actually we pay for breakfast or is this bloke just literally beelined us trying to get definitely shaking us down definitely
shutting this down of course paid it anyway it’s enough foreplay tour day one Eindhoven yeah so that was it I don’t
know about you boys I was I was flacking a little bit early I I don’t know whether it’s just a driving or sleeping
in a really hot room it felt like I’ve been asleep for the grand tale of about two minutes and 30 seconds to despite
allegedly having five six hours and so yeah we kind of get on the road it’s two
in a bit is it to Eindhoven from getting it wasn’t even that was like an hour and a half really we’re getting nothing it’s nice yeah
um beautiful morning and so yeah just
a bit of an anomaly so the five courses we’ve played are noven who treat upon hmm Canada nordvike and Hague now the
last four of those are all situated kind of up near Utrecht and denharg and kind
of occupy most of like the that north west of the Netherlands eindhoven’s like the absolute outlier because it’s down
in the very very south I mean Casey’s the member at Eindhoven that was with us that day he’s like yeah when I go out
for dinner I go to Belgium you know it’s like it’s close to the industrial Heartland isn’t it yeah exactly well
actually that’s a great great segue into the the founding of the club which was you know it’s the only Club K said that
doesn’t have or the only Golf Club there’s enough Club in its name it’s Eindhoven chagof which I guess is partly
a product of the Phillips Factory so the Philips light bulb company they are based down in Eindhoven still that Golf
Course was was was pioneered and essentially led by the Phillips group
because they need to bring employers down there and I guess back in the 20s that would be sick
as well they’ve got a hockey club and a tennis club and they’ve got this chap Harry cult building a golf course for them
it’s like that what a time to be alive right I actually think Eindhoven just as a tiny little segue
I think Eindhoven might be the only one that’s not in Holland well because of the this this like the
West look at the Flatlands and all that sort of stuff so to come back to the point that I sort of rather jarringly
raised in the intro there is a distinction isn’t there between Holland and the Netherlands this is like
we’re drifting into Richard iwadi territory do you want to cover what these differences are before I don’t know what that reference was but
24 hours um so
what’s the difference Netherlands Holland because and Dutch like it’s a Minefield I felt like I was really
insulting people by saying anything I’m gonna play us the case before it goes out so he doesn’t absolutely kill me or villain because villain was the one who
explained it to me they all scare me however uh the Netherlands is the whole of the
country um Dutch are the people from the Netherlands Holland are two provinces
within the Netherlands they are large provinces but there are two provinces of the Netherlands and on the west part the country north Holland and South Holland
but Holland has become colloquially known as Netherlands but that’s where a lot of it is but it’s not all of it it’s
like when people think London is England you know yeah I can imagine it’s just as insulting it is
annoying when you beat someone who goes oh great you guys are from London I don’t know why they’re American they just usually are when they say oh
England it’s like no I’m nowhere near London yeah England of the UK probably be a good example yeah yeah whereas yeah
so I believe happy if it’s just to be corrected but eindhoven’s not in either the Holland
provinces well nice nice knowledge Point um but it is it is definitely not so far
away it’s like an hour to get back up to attract but it’s the only holiday really noticeable the Netherlands is a village
sorry I’ve made faux pas already but yeah they’re all quite close by so that’s that’s also by the Phillips
Factory I mean nice place Eindhoven very cool lovely
little Drive-In how about that Drive-In is this in the hangout yeah about that driving it was great that’s why they call it Sin City
it’s cool take that out first time staying in first first time arriving at
a golf club in the Netherlands yeah first impressions
we weren’t sure well I think we parked in the wrong place and then case sort of was the only man there in jacket and
tire so it comes striding down saying move the car up here so we’re going to pull around to the place where we should have actually been parking and I
remember seeing the I mean you’re gonna rip me for this but I just remember seeing the practice Yeah so on the left
which would be like holy yeah what is that like the kind of like half dome
building jar could ever have a performance yeah like that great range loads of Juniors out there hitting balls
and you’re like okay wow this is this looks pretty cool um then you like go through
and yeah the the clubhouse is absolutely beautiful and it’s got that little old
what is what used to be the caddy Master Shadow is the old Clubhouse so like opposites like a little village almost
yeah it is yeah and a couple of the club houses like that it’s like a proper sort of yeah like but they’re like little
bista Villages there’s big thatched roofs yeah like so they’ve got this beautiful sort of thatched roof
Clubhouse with the Terrace that looks out and you’ve got this old caddy um I think the old Clubhouse or the old caddy
shed that’s like across the road from it that now somebody lives in that’s involved there the most beautiful you
know kind of archetypal Dutch you know sort of the house and then there’s another building which has like case oh
yeah that’s that’s for the kids that’s like the junior Clubhouse it’s like a little they’re completely alive there’s
no he did caviar with it it’s not like they they have to go there they’re allowed anywhere in the clubhouse but they have their own as well which had
like Ping Pong and a alcohol-free bar and pool tables and places to do their
homework as well so they could then do their homework and then go over the back towards the practice facility and they
had like a gym there as well so you could literally just spend your whole day there the practice Yeah the
practices at Eindhoven was one of the most spectacular practice facilities I have ever seen so it’s an enormous
building it had loads of driving range Bays I’d say three of them were track man
maybe four then there was an indoor um chipping area it was indoor putting
then they had the pat lab which had you know you could change the slope on the padding then upstairs you’re right there
was the whole section where they could do their homework next to the gym it was seriously it was all donated by a member
who this is where I hit my Heights of chauvinism wasn’t it at dinner it was a lady member you just said oh Diddy where
did you do that then it was a lady member that donated it who’s still alive she wanted that she wanted to see the
Legacy built while she was alive so she’s donated the money and and now it’s there
and seriously impressive it’s one of the most wonderful wonderful practice facilities I’ve ever seen and we didn’t
use it but so holistic as well isn’t it and they’re kind of like yeah we want kids to come and enjoy and play golf but
if they want to go in the gym as well or they want to they want to be able to do their homework too because they’ve got to keep up their grades and it’s just
the whole way they thought about it it’s just yeah and then and then I just like you kind of come around the corner just
round around the kids clubhouse between the main Clubhouse and kind of walk up to where the terrorist is just around to
your left it sweeps around to your left you’ve got the 18th grade on your right and then the whole course just opens up in front of you and it’s just like
yeah because you’ve got that huge Lake I had no expectation like Sam mocks me about it I I intentionally didn’t none
because I do like to just Discover it on my own and I sometimes I’ve been I’ve gone place with the two high
expectations and I’ve it’s not quite lived up to it but I I wasn’t expecting I don’t think I was
expecting like a heathland masterpiece just to unfold as I walked around the corner with a massive massive Lake out
in front of the clubhouse and to your left then it’s just like Woodland and Heather and oh it’s just
like I hadn’t expected it to be that big I mean when you were talking about them about earlier you talked about the the
clubhouse and the practice facilities and the kids clubhouse and all of these things and it’s like if you explain that
to someone I said there’s this club in England and it has all this stuff you’d be like okay this place sounds like an absolute Abomination this sounds like it
could be you can just imagine how the how the how the Brit would pull that off and it might just feel contrived or a
bit you know what I mean like I don’t I’m not I don’t mean that an insulting way the way Eindhoven had pulled off was
amazing and it just like you say when you go around the corners of that Terrace and you look out across the lake
it’s like wow many of the holes because it’s so big and sprawling it’s on a large footprint
so it’s 300 acres is it not I think it might have been closer to six I think 300 hectares
yeah we got caught in this imperial measurement thing all taught yeah so I think I’m so glad that I have to keep
adding 10 to every number that I pull out yeah if your math isn’t good the yard the meter to yards
I hope every listener’s podcast is okay with 10
yeah let’s hope so probably get some complaints now it is let’s just add on 10 from meters but yeah it’s a huge
footprint it’s a big place it’s got but what it didn’t do which I was really impressed with really is I think
certainly again coming back to Britain uh if one of our clubs had 600 acres or
300 whatever it turned out to be um and they had that much land there
would be a temptation to whack another 18 holes yeah or something and they were like perfectly happy with 18 holes these
are our 18 holes they had a little like par three that no hole was longer than
this wasn’t it yeah yeah it was actually five holes yeah but you
know the maximum was like 60 yards they had a lovely little practice area but they had anything they hadn’t pushed
the footprint so there was like oh yeah we’ve got 54 holes on because we can it
was just wonderful and there’s been a lot of t-box extensions and that the course has been stretched out because it still holds things like the Dutch
amateur you know there’s a whole lot of events you know that there’s you know it’s a seriously good golf club and and
they want to make sure that they can still test really good players in the process but the greens like we found out
on the second we’re like oh how many of these are original Colt grains 18 yeah all of them yeah Bonkers
yeah that was a real Revelation I think might be the only course on the trip that has kept all 18 yeah original Colt
green well certainly kept more than the other there’s very little like messed around with and yeah yeah when you look to that forest and the land that would
have been there maybe it wasn’t a street that’s heavily tree laid maybe this is a bit of a mistake but it wasn’t because
they had some pictures in the clubhouse which is when it was first coach they were they were they were certainly there
have been some entropy but yeah it was still still tree-lined the
flow was great the flow to the Corso as a result you never felt like there were long walks between greens and teas as
you said I’m the only time we had that was where if we were walking back up that longer t-box I think Kate
just wanted to give us a bit of a baptism of fire day one of talk okay
the only place we played where we didn’t play back was attract and that was with
someone gonna come on too soon Byron too I I still think could be present at the world if the job ever opens
um but yeah we played it it’s absolute gnarliest um and there’s a few of the holes then
some of the short par fours I think became you know mid-length power force which is nice gesture Dynamic perhaps
um would have been nice to have been a bit further forward but like I I came with Mind Over thinking God like I would just
love to get back out there and play that again yes yeah it was like I had an urge
to go like ah I’m actually gutted that I’ve only played Eindhoven once I desperately want to go back and play it because
there was loads of different ways when you looked back from the greens Eindhoven back up to the T you saw a
completely different wave that for the hole to be played I’m thinking particularly holes like 13 14 the was it
12 13 and butchers because a few weeks since we played it you went right made birdie
left it from the right degree and you know brilliant 14 whether whether Fairway sort of
counters off to the right there’s a lot of that where you know you’ve really got to think
about where you want to position yourself off the tee to get get into the right spot off the green on the Green I
think um you know I think with this we haven’t agreed on
format of these sorts of things we should talk a little bit about we could talk a little bit about history before we do because we’re talking about
the course should we just pick a pick a sort of a hole that that we liked at the courses I’m pretty sure I know what
yours is Sam you just mentioned 14. so I think that’s worth elaborating I mean yeah he’s absolutely in love with a different
hole I know I know he’s in love with the second yeah but there was there was loads I mean there was loads yes two
just hits you early in the round because you kind of walk up to this green and you look off to the left because
I don’t think secluded golf holes is particularly in fashion right now in golf architecture there’s that we like
we always talk about it’s great to have you know flow and connectivity with the holes whereas actually there’s quite a
bit of seclusion between the holes I would say so you whenever you were playing on the holes didn’t really feel like you were seeing much of the other
17 that worked really well but when you got to the first screen you look left you could see the second hole open up
for you and you’re like it’s a jaw-droppingly beautiful short Par Four you know absolutely stunning bunkering
greens absolutely bonkers great use of the land but there were a number of holes that checked that box I
don’t know do you not do you don’t think I’m in here yeah eight I thought eight was a wonderful three most incredible
three one of those is probably probably funnier amazing short for yeah five was
um we all played it like sin as well didn’t we produce yeah no one bought it
to its knees for a very short very straightforward looking hole no we’re skipping through this but like I think you can you can kind of we’re we’re
releasing a different podcast which is the oraclectic 18 of the whole of our Dutch trip so that’s gonna go through it
Brad I do think it’s fair to highlight some of these some of these holes I’d say you know two Exquisite five was
another Exquisite short for eight was a very short three that was what it was
designed to be it’s 120 meters yeah like a drop shot three isn’t it the Green’s got multiple different zones yeah and
the the it was very pinnable everywhere but just like the most wickedly undulating within the green complex um
brilliant there’s some Brilliance to the layout as well like when you look at holes like five and you think
you know on paper quite a straightforward hole this is back to this is cult at the peak of his powers like the stuff you know I you could come
across as having your head up your ass a little bit here and we go oh it’s you know you can really see the difference in late Colt versus early Colt and all
that sort of stuff there is a daring approach to a whole like five when you think the time you know when he’s laying
that out that that green that’s sort of like staged quite high up that runs front to
back and asks all the right questions and I I made that slow bleed with the six iron after a pretty decent start
there and it was like yeah I’ve got loads of Club left in I’ve got no chance of holding the screen now I immediately
realize the error of my ways yeah to slightly poor shots that weren’t
bad that normally on a on a on a benign like sort of mid-length long-ish Par
Four you’d still be in the whole the chance making Parts like no the new cult was upstairs chuckling watching yeah I
just knew it I think yeah because that that hole in particular as well it had that sort of front to back sloping green
but also was protected at the front so you couldn’t exactly just like Mose it up there you had to kind of hit
something high and hold it and I think this would probably be a good point to just
um all the greens on the trip considering we went in late late October
yeah the greens were absolute flames it’s fair to say there was a bit of expectation absolutely I hate that
absolutely it’s fair to say that a few the few
people that had been and some of the people that are hosting us there was a bit of expectation Management on the condition it’s late in the season growth
might be going a little bit we have the you know the leather jackets that come out you know we’ve not touched on this
really yet but there are like they’re prohibitively difficult rules when it comes to Agronomy out in the Netherlands
they’re at the absolute Vanguard of sustainability so
so you’re thinking God greens are going to be like thin and bare you think the fairways are just going to be like
absolute mulch so you’re going out there like kind of kind of reserved the
consistency of the green Services we played on are all five courses was excellent so Flames outstanding yeah I’m
not going to use the word Flames because I think that’s yeah that lowers the standard of this podcast dramatically it
is an emoji film yeah I’d say they were lit yeah yeah yeah
it wasn’t so good tribes and we hadn’t labored the point if you said yeah those greens were lit that would have been um
but yeah and we played a bit by you and I mean obviously you with your face nearly falling off as you said it was
really that was the most time well like case is playing pretty steady we had a good little TV too and then you know you
don’t return to the you do return to the house after nine obviously you come come back in with the with the par five and
you’ve got that brilliant bath house yeah there’s a bath house that’s
actually after you’ve teed off down 10 and if you walk down to the right the old bath house there which interestingly
point about iron we’ve not touched on the architect who designed the clubhouse was also the same architecture did a lot
of the course furniture and out buildings yeah one of which was the bath house so um that was quite cool she’s
going to look at and you know take some nice pictures of which may by this point have already made their way up to the
grid um but oh
maybe I could um we have to come back to it because I quite like some of the lights at the pan but yeah I’d maybe say
Eindhoven the thing that struck me most about it aside from the Fantastic sort of layout routing the original Colt
greens some of the most beautiful scenery I think we saw on that trip like there was some great elevation changes in the
links that we played up and around the Hague but the actual colors yeah and the foliage and the kind of mixture of
Woodland and heathland and then the marshy areas that was just like just really stunning scenery and I think
it’ll look yeah I think it’ll look even better if they carry on with the tree management plan that they’ve got in place I think they’ve taken out over
well 3 800 trees or so yeah a couple of years back and they’ve got
another yeah another sort of similar amount they’re going to take out and because there is so much land there you
know that they can do that easily and it will not track from the golf course at all I think it will vastly improve
um you know the sort of playability of it and also just some of the views that you get like when you come off 14. 14th
T you look to the left it’s just just breathtaking scenery so uh yeah
was a big hit and then one of the few places we went in on uh on merch actually merchandise was a difficult one
this tour quite like the logos the logos logos are good quite happy with all the
places like like kind of there because these places are not big tourist venues we used to going and playing you know
places in Britain and Ireland where even if they’re not International destinations they are almost certainly
traveled to by the domestic player and there just doesn’t seem like there’s the demand out there for stash well that
was I went in on a great bucket hat Eindhoven like great bucket hat I mean I’m probably not going to wear it
but it’s a great bucket hat it’s one of the few things that I then saw all tour that I was like oh yeah I just want to
do it yeah she’s surprising well that was actually the sort of introduction to it really because we were you know
getting stuck in on the would you call it a Terrace looking over like you know introduced a
bitter Berlin which was just a unbelievable Revelation a great sort of post-round
snacks yeah describe what that is because yeah well yeah I think William said it’s basically the off cuts of of
certain animals it’s just sort of rolled up and mixed with potato and cheese and deep fried apparently no potato in it
okay yeah is there some cheese in it and then yeah mustard yeah deep fried
mustard it was just we felt like culturally we’d arrived at that point when we were having our little Demi beers a bit of oil and after our first
round of golf I loved Ultra when you watch it yeah I’ll go back and eating so it was great no it was great that was
like the first thing foreign
Britain if you to the bar it’s like totally normal you do that anywhere else pretty much in the world they’re going
to look at you like you’ve got two heads it’s like well if it’s like there’s a big cultural difference with our
drinking versus yeah other countries other countries you don’t just walk up to the bar you just sit down and they’re
like yeah I’ll come over and get your order it’s fine just chill out you’ll be okay for 10 minutes and they’ll come over and they’ll know to you know on the
continent it’s the same if you go skiing and stuff you sort of small beers it’s way nicer to drink do you just feel like
you need to feel like a a flower of ours with laga that just gets like to room
temperature for the final third um well skip ahead too much but when we had the incident later on that evening
and we were about to sort of chill out a bit it was probably close to one o’clock in the morning and we found a bar and
you checked and we thought we’ll have a few beers while we’ll wait for our thing to be sorted out which will come
on and provide a bit more color and detail on we sort of went to this bar and we found a nice bar and extract and we’re like okay you know can we can we
order some beers they’re like yeah sure we’re going to close up in 15-20 minutes and we said what can we have like five
of these Demi’s each and they said would you just like a big beer and he’s like no I want them in the denim size and thanks very much and can you just bring
them like in sort of three minute increments because they were just really nice to have like a shot shot and a half of beer that was ice cold and yeah dare
I said I’m not the biggest Beer Drinker but I found that way more enjoyable than a a massive you know pint of yeah warm
water ended up being warm lager um drove away from line over though very sad to leave yeah enjoyed it a lot it’s great
fun amazing I wanted to Circle back on sorry on the culture thing when I was talking about bitterballing and beer
Eindhoven funny enough was the place where we first you know were kind of chatting about Dutch clubs and the memberships and they were saying No this
is one of the smallest clubs in Holland this is 800 members so just to go back to your point about visitors and merch
and uh and that sort of stuff much bigger membership model and actually full playing members you know
800 members or so is a small club in in the Netherlands yeah they’re all very active I would say that about all their
clubs they were like and they’re all great looking and healthy so it’s like there’s a theme here isn’t it yeah but
not so much the people were active but the the clubs were very active clubs it
wasn’t like there’s no he’s a booze hand he never goes out on the course yeah yeah but it was also like it wasn’t one
of those clubs that like you know you get like oh yeah we’re a great Club we’ve got
this many members and the club’s hardly use because the members are all around the Netherlands is like no they’re all
from within five minutes away and everybody plays all the time which comes
with its challenges it didn’t for us because we were really lucky we managed to get out um quick and the Dutch and we managed to
get early sorry the Dutch tend to play quick so that was never really a problem for us but they were you know we teed
off of the Hague for instance we’ll touch on this later we teed off the Hague in the dark it was like 8 A.M and
there was a group behind us you know ready to go it’s like there was never any stress did you know it’s like there
was never like again there was a few times I gotta wrap my brains here nordvike we were actually behind some
slow groups
because we also have groups behind us that were pushing us along as well but actually none of those groups no one at
any point broke their stride or got stressed it was seemed like there was any stretches they’re all chill you know yeah we
chatted to the group behind in Norway for a little bit and he was like nah man it’s cool like it wasn’t like how late they’re like yeah no it’s cool it’s
absolutely totally different approach to it and you know we had a nice dinner there you know that was the only club we
had dinner at um the dinner culture like no such thing as a lunch culture I mean they’re
they’re like we love coming over to Britain and having the lunches at the golf club because it’s so novel it’s
like what you know I have lunch here it’s like yeah well I have a sandwich maybe but like you’d never get dressed up for a bloody lunch but they all go up
even if they’ve not played they’ll go up and have dinner with their friends and it’s like a proper dinner culture at the
club dinner or something yeah um yeah that’s me like I know it’s not a
big difference but all of that just like feel was like oh it’s like a different cult club culture over there radically
different to what we’re exposed to they they do drink wine like we do there so that was no problem whatsoever yeah I
was going down the hutch and great having a designated driver for the trip like yeah
and you nearly cracked a few times but you you know it was nice knowing that I
did practice the evening after we’d driven well yeah so I oh you know not to
get the violin out but I was I was pretty knackered that day I’m just going around being like this is amazing I’m
really tired and then we had a lovely dinner with case and um
I thought right well we’ll get you know we’ll get underway at maybe 10 o’clock drive an hour and hour and 15 minutes to
attract and that’ll be fine we can kind of get hunkered down there have a good night’s sleep and then we’re meeting
Baron on the tea at the pan uh on Thursday morning so that’d be fun we’ll get you know good sleep catch up
fine anyway Journey’s going okay you’re fiddling around on your laptops or snow
sorry that was a massive PayPal you were fiddling around editing stuff I
think weren’t you meals and just general Chit Chat quite recall I was absolutely you what are you doing amazing I was
just like I was just kind of like tuning into that but like I want to just get that as we get to your track like fine just make sure we get you know get there
in one piece and then 10 kilometers out maybe five kilometers out it was about
five years yeah the dashboard pings up with an alert saying tire pressure low in the in the back
right tire and normally like modern cars it’ll say it’s gone down a little bit and you
think you’re okay this had literally gone from like three point zero or 3.2
recommended PSI down to like point four it says point four I was like mate it’s
drop point four like you can carry on with that don’t worry we were pretty much on the alloy weren’t
we I don’t know whether I’d driven over like a full set of kitchen knives or something but yeah it basically was on
the alloy so I was like well we’ve just got to get to our destination I’ll Chuck it in the sort of a parking
space around there we’ll unload go into the apartment which uh one of our hosted Baron had kindly arranged for us to to
stay there which is very very kind of him um and then we’ll figure it out from there and sure enough when we parked up
the tire was just absolutely massacred um it looked like a little we weren’t in a good spot were we well this had
happened and then just to build on it because I don’t think you realize when mine had then sunk in you’d got out and had done it Byron was ringing me saying
I at the house I’ve rung him and said I’m at the house so he’s like you know keys under the mat and all that sort of
jazz and he’s sort of like talking me through like he’s left he’s left some meat and cheese out some bread bottle of
wines like beers were in the fridge guys like the whole it’s like a fully managed he’s like he’s gone to town for us and
I’m like oh this is sick and then you know when you’re on the phone to someone and you realize something
and then as soon as you realize that you’re checked out that conversation yeah I’ve then suddenly thought Penny
dropped Penny’s dropped it I’ve left my camera and my MacBook behind the bar Eindhoven because I couldn’t be asked to
go and put it in the car because I wanted to go and play the five-hole short course and 18 holes wasn’t enough
at Eindhoven and then I had a few glasses of red and completely forgotten to pick it up so I was like this is
a real problem now because I’ve got nothing to take out take photos with you can’t do your editing and fiddling
around but you obviously it would have been like having like an arm and a leg tie behind my back but the rest of the
toy was horrible yeah so I’ve then got that on the go so I’m like oh so all of a sudden we’ve gone from Sky High
about 10 miles out of your Trek to being down down to pretty much one camera one
MacBook three wheels and a very very overtired designated driver I wouldn’t
find that I was still having a great time well yeah it would no it was tough wasn’t it
because this is the first full day of tour and what put it under the microchips it’s like yeah we’re a bit
tired we’re a bit annoyed that we left it you get past that stuff but it was the logistical issues of like
how are we actually going to get this tire replaced so that we can play at the pan then get
to kenama and nordvike on Friday which were that was 30 years Dawn told us day and then
we’re doing a podcast with the archivist that would check the pan so that was going to take up time even though we were only playing Japan on the Thursday
and then we’d have to go to the Hague to meet our our third host villain and I really wanted to play 36 holes I didn’t
want anything to get in the way of that either and then we’ve got to get back because Sam’s got a bloody you know flight catch on the Sunday morning so we
were just we were stretched as it was anyway and we were all it was all just kind of like right this is tough now and
we’re all a little bit tired who changed the tire and we’re trying to figure this one out so we had a space saver on the
back of the car that’s a spare tire do you guys do it yeah now we called a dude I thought you did
because trying to get it up was yeah well I don’t know I wouldn’t I wouldn’t
back myself today I’ll be honest I know that every there’s probably about 50 percent of the guys that listen to this
podcast have lost immediately I want to front up and say you know what
I’m a bit disappointed I was hard enough yeah I wanted to front up and be like you know what I should have given this a go because if this gets back to
Blackwell Golf Club there’ll be plenty of guys there he’ll be ripping between the three of us we could jack in the
right spot but they’re getting the wrong but you’ll bend the chassis yeah he aren’t you at that point and if you don’t get the tire on it’s like the
modern man here we go yeah it was a bit defeatist it was a bit defeatist you were you checked out by this point Sam
you were like I don’t know if you’re down the pub that we ended up going to subsequently no I don’t think so I think I was unloading stuff okay you ain’t got
some chips didn’t you or something today but there was a I was being a team player we got everything kind of in the
rooms and all set up I took the worst room as well you know I was like I was by the front door I was there anyone that was going to come in and can kill
us in the night was like the first one they were going to get to so but yeah we managed to get the space saver on just
it it felt like a step in the right direction but it was no Me by no means
the sort of you could limp around 50 miles an hour couldn’t you well yeah because it’s like how on Earth are you gonna do 700 miles up to the golf clubs
and then back across the channel tunnel and then all the way up from folks in the middles you they look like something you’d get on like a yeah on a
kid’s toy that yeah yeah I think it said Fisher Price on the wheel it’s just like going into World War II with a spear you
know here you go that’s my contribution don’t bring a knife to a gunfight well we
needed every inch of it um the next morning Byron’s come round um he’s like already I’m like yo we’ve
got a bit of problem here there’s Tire issues still and I think you were twinkling away on
the piano and I was making a lot of a lot of like calls to these to these Tire
Merchants I was starting to lose my Tempo and I rang one of them which was like a quick fit in a tract I was like
brilliant quick 30 tracked it’s familiar it’s around the corner globalized Response Team it’ll all be no straightforward
yeah good morning they all speak English that’s okay morning how you doing yeah I’m good um I’ve need to get a replacement tire
can you I’m just wondering if you can just check the stock on on this particular number it’s like r55 210 or
something and he’s uh well no you hadn’t even told him I remember this I know him if I just give you the number can you
just uh check see if you’ve got stock has gone yeah no I don’t have it I said I’ve not given you the number yet oh
right yeah do you want to do you want to give me the number brilliant there you go it’s r55 210 45. yeah and I
haven’t got that oh what a surprise yeah okay well thank you so much and it turns out there’s this thing in the
Netherlands where you have to draw you need snow tires if you go into Germany
in the winter otherwise it’s like you can lose your license so all the all the good citizens around the sort of Northern Continental Europe go to snow
tires or winter tires in the winter so everyone we run they were like yeah I’m fully booked I’m just changing winter tires at the moment it’s like what yeah
so if you actually have a legitimate thing it was Bloody 20 degrees there was something that said if it
wasn’t we were told by another one of our hosts later on on the trip that as
we uh tell this story that if you’re in an accident there in inclement weather
and you don’t have the right tires on your insurance can be void yeah it’s
like that is I mean to be fair I think that sounds like a sensible thing like if it’s like if you’re bold tires in the
UK though yeah you know the treadmill so this is just like if you don’t have but this is so tired I didn’t make 20 phone
calls at this point I was like borrowed I’ve rang everyone you will not fix this balance you know and he’s like okay give
me 10 minutes and it’s just like sorted yeah get yourself here you’re gonna follow in Convoy it’s gonna be dead easy
I’m going to drop you off we can leave the car there Bruce they’re going to change the tire then we’re going to drive to tract we’re going to tee off
the tents because 10 minutes late not to worry we’re gonna tear off the ten to play as much golf as we can then Tom and
Sam are going to do the podcast we’ve learned I’m going to drive you to get your car we’ll get some lunch on the way and then we’ll get back and then we’ll
play it in the afternoon does that sound like a plan it’s like yeah Byron yes Dad thank you can you be my dad it was
honestly like at that moment it was like hero status it was absolutely here it
says and I think the fact that we did all that we gotta we we packed the cars up we got across across tanks was the
literally the the side of the city and we’ve dropped the car off we got back to utrechtopam
and we were on we started on 10 instead of one which is I can assure you uh no
problem whatsoever because the tenthal is one of the most outstanding golf holes I’ve ever played and we’ve stood
there on the 10th at the allocated time we were supposed to tee off in the morning thinking I cannot fathom how we’ve done so much
this morning and standing on this Sirens but it was amazing wasn’t it he’s a special man he’s a hell of a bloody
player as well yeah he’s he’s won literally everything in the Netherlands so he’s got Dutch amateur a couple of
times yeah there’s different ones straight play match play yeah I think he he’s just not sure
he’s won the lot he’s won the the Dutch open he’s done a lot you know Alex block
who was like an outstanding outstanding golfer was the only goal for that we’ve
turned out we said what teams be perfect that’s hard enough off the yellow should we go off there yeah yeah I don’t mind
that I don’t know if they see yellows and whites in the same way as we see them actually in the UK in the UK I
think it’s like if you’re playing at your home Club it’s like I’m gonna play whites because those sort of the members teas and the
metal T’s maybe the odd metal team might go a bit further back but we’ll play whites and the yellow tees are more for the
kind of much weaker goal for the visitors quite often I think in the UK does that seem like a fair assessment
competition it’s like a tournament competition to yellow’s back enough like it’s yeah what do you think they said in
the Netherlands I think it’s more like no just play the yellows and the whites are like for the big big atmosphere
that’s what I mean so yeah yeah yeah so you think different you think it’s yellow for them is like their tea well
they don’t have the same visitor culture do they so they’re not you know they’re kind of I mean attract the pan which is
like literally one of the best golf courses in the world and you’re there like how many visitors come and play here yeah you know we’ll have 10 a week
maybe or something like what yeah so I think it’s slightly different culture around but yeah but Baron I mean
just a brilliant bloke because aside from all of the kind of heroics around changing the car and putting it up in
his in his great house in um in attract just like okay so just another cool dude
as well and just such like you know competitive but in like the nicest
possible way as well just just to Absolute Delight to play golf with and obviously a hell of a golfer as well I
just that that that morning Japan was just I think maybe my
highlight of the tour because it was like oh we’ve got yeah we’ve resolved this it’s also tasted wrong he’s like right I’ve been to the golf club at
Eindhoven I’ve got your camera and laptop I’m going to the office now but I’m going to get someone to get a
courier and it’ll be couriered up and it’ll be with you for no later than 12 o’clock today and you’re like that is
amazing yeah the whole thing but I think I think it’s just one of the biggest looking up juxtapositions of the whole
tour was the stress of that morning because it was stressful I mean Byron
did save the day but it was a stressful morning to then stand in the serenity of Japan
on that tenth hole that we started on was just like this is the most breathtaking golf hole that I could have
imagined in my in my pathetic imagination I’m looking at it and it was so calm and Serene it was like okay yeah
I breathe like it was just and I think that’s why I think Japan for me was one
of the one of the rounds I remember the most because it was against I wasn’t expecting it’s another Heathman course
um I have to play nine times another Heathen course I mean for me it had massive massive
shades of selling their old I mean I don’t know what you boys thought but like I thought it had very kind of
similar Shades to something very very hard to not draw comparisons with some
of the top story courses when you look at it you know if if eindhoven’s this big sprawling
heathland set in the forest where you kind of your planes you know it’s quite secluded attract is a is a is a complete
opposite and so much as it’s very very intimate it never feels like you’re straying far from the house it’s
um the holes are more connected in with each other it’s very very hard to not
draw some comparisons with the old at Sunningdale yeah huge amount of variety as well I mean we obviously played 14
holes didn’t we or 13 holes then I went back to get the car with Baron and you guys sat down with Ernst and recorded a
great podcast with him which will be released pretty shortly um and
when we came back out in the afternoon it was really nice that we were able to you know kindly arrange it that we could
play a three you know the three kind of cookie jar guys just play ourselves in that afternoon and then and then see a
few of the holes that we’ve not seen in the morning on the front side because obviously we started on 10 and it’s just great variety I mean a real mixture of
like short parfores that you can take on try and get it close to and Pitch it on or or maybe lay back and and hit a
couple of irons into um some brilliant par threes you know par fives that again have great risk and
reward just just yeah I I see why because there’s a good variety of risk
and reward and just it’s they’re not they’re not all just like here’s another 450 yards constantly changing direction
and I think I think Japan’s biggest strength is a limitation that’s placed
on it is that it’s got a very small site and it can’t extend and I think you don’t
know whether if they’d have the opportunity to extend they might have yeah but the footprint is so small they were forced into this little area
and what they’ve ended up with is an absolute gem where you just fall off a green onto a tee and you just it’s such
an easy walk there’s lots of undulations within the course um there’s quite a lot of elevation
change really um playing up to elevated greens and you’ve got quite a few elevated teas
um six and seven I mean how good were they close par fours but that’s what I was going to say like if you look at it
like it’s quite easy for pretty much every golf course I’ve played to say what’s your best stretch your holes and you’ll be like oh yeah like I really
like um two through six alone having or you know I really like
um you know the back line at Hillside you know what it’s like you can always say this sort of stuff to pan I don’t think I could tell you it
was best part on the course was it’d be a lot harder to name a week hole that’s named a good stretch
okay Jeremy it’s like most courses no matter how breathtaking yeah yeah it kind of you kind of get a bit of stress
relief it’s like the one where you like you’re like oh and that’s the only one they’ve really kind of moved around significantly par five that just kicks
into the right I still don’t know it’s like oh yeah but they strip back a few of the trees
it’s still a great path yeah they say a lot about incidents the weakest in
architecture circles that you get you know compression and release and all this as Iran goes through you kind of
like there’s tension the release of tension and you kind of do that as you go around and excitement and then it it
dulls down so you can get more excitement later on but genuinely you just you start off on this really high
level you’re like wow this is cool and then you stay there and then you stay there it’s almost like you’re being
fully compressed or fully released the whole way I don’t know which one it is it’s smacking you in the mouth
no it’s just so good yeah everything and other courses that achieve that
in fact like you say always have a point where the all of a sudden momentum drops off and it never seems to happen at
Japan yeah and when it does it’s noticeable it’s like you’ve played 10
stagger any good golf holes oh and then it dips the two or three holes and you slightly out of the and it’s always hard
to build that back back up because it’s always like a game of momentum when you’re looking at a golf course it just
never happened at Japan I mean certainly because we started it the wrong way around but if you go back to the to the we played in the afternoon the right way
around you know one two three four really good good golf holes you’ve got five that
they’re gonna do a bit of work to just with some some tree removal and once they do that little bit that’s going to
be like yeah and then six and seven are amazing that’s okay it’s an incredible par three nine seriously understanding
part yeah I thought then you’ve got ten amazing eleven the past like buster
yeah downhill with the most insane green site I mean I’ve never played it but I
would imagine that it’s yeah gone then you get to 15 or 14 or 15. so you got the dog leg part four then the straight
path four and you’ve got to 15 I think it is the par three that part Bonkers isn’t it which is just mind-blowing yeah
like 160 170 and I think 16 mid length 17 drivable perched upgrade
on on 15 and Barra just turned around and said yeah you’re gonna you’re gonna feel the full weight of Harry Colton you
there yeah yeah yeah yeah because it like it looked like it was just off the green but it was just after we’re on the
wrong side and you were like toast it was just yeah that light we had
on the uh on the half scene we played it in the Thursday I think again we picked up the car and we it all just was now
like stars of the line yeah we’re back on tour like not that we’d ever truly left but it just was like yeah we we
we’re we’re good now for the next few days this is brilliant and that light we had was epic remember you got the Drone
up yeah remember going on 16. it was just like oh my God got whipped away into town for the evening well we should
just talk about a little evening and track because we’d obviously had our sampling of a bit of student life I think on that night to a midnight when
we’re changing tires and and I was doing relay runs to a takeaway shot for kebabs or whatever which is perfectly
acceptable second night Byron was like oh yeah then there’s a nice little spot what a beautiful or cobbled street that
was and it took us this little beast truck called Madeline’s um and we’re sat there and Byron’s just
like constantly raising the anti on the wine the wines just arriving it’s like the most ridiculous rate of knots I
think he knew we were in the chair to pay it as well so he was just like you want to keep going it’s like yeah it kept is this wine too young for us I
know it’s absolutely acceptable price point now I think we’re out Byron um and we have the two coat of Buffs
with uh yeah which was like I mean it was basically like I nearly got Gout just looking at that yeah but because
you were sat there in the table in your premiers you just knew you’re gonna be okay anti-gout golf shoe it really is the
anti-gout golf shirt so I think there’s a way of marketing that um but yeah like how nice was that great
meal and the Calvados which was I mean it was like drinking Earth and all that
stuff um I didn’t go near that yeah oh no that was the the spirit we had there yeah fire water was it like the homemade
liqueur Byron’s girlfriend then swung by and had a few drinks with us at the end and yeah it was just we were just finishing
like oh just high as a kite by the end of that evening it was like what a day in the past I mean we always buy it off
what more than we can chew because we we know that you know we just need to get as much golf in as we can I think this
trip was harder because we’d be still bit off more golf than we were capable of playing but at the same time
we had dinners pretty much every night with a different host it was It was kind of looking after us at particular clubs
but actually I think that’s the bit that we’ve never experienced that I was really enjoyable
to actually sit down chat with these these local people about their town about their club they’re all
passionately fiercely passionate about their Golf Club they all love the
Netherlands they all love Dutch golf it’s I think that for me was it was a really wonderful part of the whole
experience was meeting the people we met can we talk about just before we move to
Canada nordvika next day um special special mentioning attract for bicycles
not bicycles but not only are they everywhere and people constantly on them
seemingly great they don’t want to use my vehicle the lands flight you want to use a bike but they want to wear
they want to wear like dark overcoats and drive in the middle of the night near Parks yeah they were
literally pull out in front of a car they assume they have right away constantly I don’t know why you live
back into attract in that evening we nearly marmalized about three people on a bike doing 20 mile an hour they’re
kind of on you know I mean I don’t know why you’re limited to you check because it was equally perilous uh kenamera
nordvike terrified [Music]
it was just yeah it was something that we’d obviously noticed by that point in fact the most comical part of it was was
when we were on the space saver on that spare tire going to get the car changed and I think you’ve gone ahead with Baron
and he’s got hadn’t he said no yeah yeah it’s me and we were like I don’t know how we’re gonna get out this jungle
so that could be tracked on bicycles ten thousand cyclists just flooding down
like how on Earth are we going to pull out
I mean like you said everyone in Holland looks at least 20 years younger than they are they all look great they’re
doing something right they’re all absolutely shredded okay we haven’t talked about this I
don’t think I saw a single obese person in the whole of the Netherlands yeah I could get on board of that I don’t
recall see anybody overweight do you um
yeah yeah it’s just a great but this is why I was like I want to move to a track then I was like this is because it’s
it’s just a great you know for example we stayed in Byron’s house
lovely you know several stories sort of townhouse so much character but
nothing’s flashy it’s all just kind of it’s all just like cool nonchalant levels of just it’s just cool right not
a single TV in his house it’s like why yeah because what do they
do they just like walk around the road and go to a Bistro and and go and have a nice bit of dinner and they chat none of
them no well they’re getting Madeline’s or they’re going to need some Sashimi or whatever none of them are sitting there
and going right should we just fed out for the next four hours and watch celebrity get me out of here or something no one’s doing that there it’s
a great program anyway we digress gentlemen Conor nordvite was the next day and we start off with an 8 AM tea
time at Kennedy there is one slight problem so if I was just gonna give a recommendation to anyone listening this
who is planning a trip to the Netherlands in and around the sort of last week of October just before the
clocks change one area that you might improve upon that that we sort of didn’t
execute all that successfully was just a fairly basic requirement of tee off times
um you know Sam decided that we’d get uh get away from you tracked in the car
about seven 6 55 a.m on that Friday at Canada
8 A.M that was that that was the idea wasn’t it I had assumed there was Daylight at 8am and it was Pitch Perfect
I questioned I questioned um Canada for allowing us to even
thought of teeing off at 8am because for those of you that we haven’t made it clear enough yet
at 8am in Holland in the last week of October the sun
isn’t Rising it’s pitch black they’re they’re on an hour further into summertime than we are
and they’re not too far much further south so they are yeah it’s like seven it’s like it’s like we’ve lost the sun overnight it’s like
it stopped working I genuinely thought it had yeah it came when I was like maybe something is really a foot here so
we’re there at Canada and we meet our host Christian and the course manager I believe Lucas
Lucas who were just there to meet us yeah bright and early it was like big
smiles on their faces delighted to see us we pulling the drive up quarter to eight or might have been half
seven or something thinking we’re supposed to be on the T in 15 20 minutes
how how quickly is this sun going to rise the predicament we put ourselves in
is that we assumed we could tee off at eight which meant worst case we were finished by midday which meant an hour
for to some chatting and lunch and we could be uh half an hour at the road 20
minutes of the road at nordvike for two o’clock that wouldn’t be a problem that really wouldn’t be a problem
but if the sun’s not there you can’t do any of those things Britain has I Britain has a lot of Agriculture and
obviously we’re further north and that’s why we have a time zone that means you are always
going to have daylight at 8am I wouldn’t go that far I don’t even know if you take a couple of reasons
exactly I think a lot of people are just like there’s no need you know we’ll get in touch with us on that cookie jug often illuminate us but I would love to
know why do we have daylight savings it is definitely agriculture historic yeah so look anyway let’s start
digress so look we had nice coffee we chilled for a bit and then went out and played Canada and again it’s like Jaws
on the bloody floor again isn’t it it is so so we’ve we’ve drawn a comparison just because I think it’s easier to make
to paint really big pictures uh for me to pan like just like had big smacks of
selling that old that’s just really like the vibe it’s fairly similar to me I think Canada for me well
what do you think I would say all of these I would say certainly Canada and Hague it’s almost impossible to draw
comparison I’ve certainly not played links anything like the Hague I pretty sure it’s oh I find it very
hard to draw too many comparisons with ketama gun to my head I’d probably say it has some shades of Birkdale it’s not
in the same way there’s some vividly so I’m walking around Midway through the
back line just saying this is a kind of machine I don’t know what you meant but I just think this is like every inch
that’s good let’s roll back now it has to be
very dramatic and bold and I also went through a period because both Canada and nordvite that we played in that day the
clubhouses are situated on this so that much much higher ground so I was just walking around going it’s just massive
shinocock Vibes about this place I’ve never played shitty cocktails calling shitty cocktail is a comparison with
with nordvite was a leap too far mainly because they’re just fundamentally different courses
of that the Birkdale one I could possibly see I mean I’ve only played Birkdale once off winter teas and in the
In The Bleak Midwinter and it was great fun but I can’t can’t maybe speak to the comparisons that is not a good comparison of mine
but it is it’s a very honest Lynx Golf Course camera you know I’d say of the you know nordvax you know very very pure
Sandy links as well hey it’s kind of like a weird thing I don’t know how it categorized egg Canada’s almost
there’s a lot of bold land stuff going on there the first three starting with just like
mind-blowing I was like there’s bloody hell what I honestly didn’t think we were going to top the bands there is a a
staggering I suppose June scape and they would call I I think we could probably well I I
would go on record and say I think either of them are probably true links in the in the truest sense of the word
they all were very Sandy they were all um you know firm but I wouldn’t say they
were probably true links but even um Christian Academy said like for me like I would describe this
not as a links as a brother they called it what they call it like junescape or June land because there’s this huge big
sand dunes a huge big mounding then the topography was amazing and it’s very dramatic which I think is where the
shades of bergdah comes from because Berkeley is a dramatic golf course there’s no get away from that and
um kanama had every inch of that drama um as you kind of work your way around those dunes and through them and over
them and um they have 27 holes we played uh 18 of them Sam can you Illuminate Me on the
air so we played the B and C Lee which is a bit weird so the cult so I think Canada was the first
um it was the first course that colt was uh evolved in over there um 1927. uh he he built 18 but I think he
left sketches for more so B and C there’s three nines the other one’s
obviously called a which is the more recent nine so that’s like a Frank penink build I think there was quite a
bit of that was predicated on some of the sketches that colt had left I’m reliably informed and based on what
we saw some of the a looked brilliant as well yeah I think BNC is regarded as maybe like the the real authentic but
when they play the Dutch open there they play like a bit of a mixture of all three and I think they use pretty much
exclusively a and then use a composite of B and C as well so they the the names
I think that they’re named after the club member that was that was kind of instrumental in in helping Penning the I
think B is called pen ink and I think C is called cult I might be wrong on that um yeah we played BNC um and
I think two two is just like one of the most well it’s just a lot one is like you is an interesting one because it’s
um you know I think we all have got a little bit of a pawn shop for teeing off where your backswing could hit the clubhouse which is like our like our
home Club of Blackwell um from the B course at kanama you know
if you took a really wide backswing and and swayed backwards you could have you could have taken out a window and the
window to the snooker room actually because the guys that would give more Tanner room for his
bloody money though actually yeah well not benign looks like a long Par Four but it doesn’t look
it certainly doesn’t look like what it is when you get there got down there I thought I was going to be I thought we were going to lose somebody in the dunes
in the first hole it looks quite a roll flat rolling yeah first hole great yeah there’s like 30 foot you’re falling
into this the land is way there’s loads more movement in these holes than pretty much most of the link stuff that you’ll
see in in England or in Scotland and it’s like Holland’s names are very flat
country yeah well that’s I remember playing kennewan just thinking wow this is like amazing like the dramatic sort
of land forms and how much change Innovation there is I think if I’m being really nice looking
back the extremity of sort of nordvike and Royal Hague maybe makes me think
that kenema wasn’t as dramatic but that’s only because it literally felt like you’re on a different planet playing nordvike and Royal Hague they
were just such wildly different topographies to anything I’ve ever played on before but
kenama was just yeah uh just a it felt like a real honest Lynx test but still
with plenty of drama and that’s maybe I think why you guys mentioned the Birkdale comparison in terms of the club
because we’ll talk a little bit more about the course I think but I would say Canada as a club felt as
close to a club that we would recognize over here in fact had real maybe that’s
just the dark wood paneling or you know the kind of the well-saturated sort of
oil paintings of the fireplace and stuff figures but it had a real shade of a British club really cool Club Vibe yeah
yeah yeah nice still had that nice modern Terrace with
the with the frosted glass you know at the front you could eat that overlooking the course and you’d go out there where
we had our lunch and yeah it had some that for me would be meal of the tour sorry I don’t know if I just jumped in a
bit that’s that’s I actually didn’t I didn’t like we need to talk about the course do you like The Keeper no well we’ll come back to the glitter because
we need to talk about that we might as well get on through we can come back to the course right so afterwards well okay we’re good to do that we’ve got to we’ve
got to explain why we only paid 15 holes at kenama which we are starting to sound like sloppy content creators playing 13
holes in the morning at the pound because we’ve got to change tires then we’re going to Canon room again 15 holes and it’s got to come off the course
because idiot here is all arranged a tea time that was in Pitch Black um anyway question was like great sport
is like I’m you know it’s a shame can’t see 16 17 18. we finished on 15 which is a mind-bendingly good golf hole which
we’ll come back to and then said but I’d rather we do this and then get back to the clubhouse because I want to have some bitter balls some beers Lucas is
going to meet us the green keeper and you’ve got to have the glipper I think it’s Clipper Clipper yeah something like
that he recommended it which he said is basically rare roast beef on
salad and bread loads of horseradish it’s super super thin and I mean the
beef a good vet would have got that thing round like it was it was I it was
as rare as a Sashimi we had with with Willem the next night no because I could get a little bit squeamish if someone
just threw me it was beautiful totally rare baby that that what I thought was lovely very very decadent we’ve not
eaten anything as well because idiot features over here said we couldn’t have any breakfast we had to get on the road at 6 50 in the morning because we need
to make that 8 AM T off time so we’re all a bit we’re all a little bit famish with them and it just tasted
yeah let’s drive to Canada at all that I felt that was British yeah I think I was twisted the night before I remember
nearly t-boning a cyclist at the entrance to Canada but other than that uh oh yeah
yeah that’s one of those ones again for the cyclists like you indicate and turn
into like a driveway and the cyclist comes down the inside of you with like no regards for life it’s just like
indicating but he’ll have to stop for me surely you can see me in my dark trench coat of no helmet I know he’s got like
lorries just hurling behind him at sort of 70 miles an hour but it’s fine he’ll give you know I’ve got right away here
so anyway look we are really jumping around of course the Gipper was great really lovely lunch sat up there on that
balcony with a frosted glass um it was it’s an Exquisite Clubhouse
Canada like you could have just you could have hung there all afternoon yeah and Christian was just a wonderful host wasn’t he I mean obviously
Christian Bowman Boomer Boomer uh just yeah so engaged about about kind of
chairman of green chairman of course and yeah you know he he was just a sort of
font of all knowledge really wasn’t he I’m very passionate about UK golf as well talking about trips he’d made over he obviously quite a sort of small
um golf Circle really in a way the guys who hosted us case and and Christian obviously got acquaintances
um but it we touched on the start of the course like the the opening stuff at
Canada is this wonderful rolling Par Four which is just way more severe than it looks when you’re above it
and then you get to the second and it’s weird this because I think the best part threes we played all tour are probably
the two shortest path threes one of them being the eighth of Eindhoven the second being the
um the second Academy which is just staggering I’m not I’m not allowing you to um to ignore the 15th 15th is great
you know this green sits up in the middle of nowhere huge fall off on the
left which is kind of a recurring theme I would think it was fair to say for all the Links Golf out in this because we’re
now we’ve played the heathlands the next three are all links the the huge fall off to the left
stunningly good par three you know then you play 13 Christians taking us back to
this tea that he’s going to reinstall which is just so dramatic it’s nuts like I said the first three holes are crazy
and it just keeps it just keeps going it’s really subtle the holes are you know that stretch that you then play
back into the ninth they’re all following the same direction but there’s loads of variety within it I
would I would add to this a little bit that I think look I’m not I’m not bigging up our golf
here but a lot of the time we played around we were playing off back tees and stuff and
um you know we started that day but again we played off some some pretty back tees and one two three they’re all
great golf holes but you know we make Power thereabouts it’s never really a problem then you get on to four and five
which were back to back short fours and both of them made a mockery of us made a doc’s dinner because it’s just something
on the way around you know that wonderful comment that um Barron said a new track that over
dinner was the good thing about a short four um is it gives you the opportunity to fail and the we did fail miserably
because we both taught oh yeah I could do this I can overpower that’s possibly some of the wisest words I’ve ever heard about about otherwise just poetic when
he said that yeah yeah it brings you to the choir though isn’t he you know we we do like half par coinage
they don’t there’s a bit of an aversion to my sense there was nowhere near that many sort of short fours they were like
more of more of a rare commodity in Holland in Holland generally like the Netherlands didn’t didn’t seem as many
you know yeah it probably felt like um and Panama had a couple apart from that they weren’t they were mid-lengths they
weren’t many like oh yeah I can have a question there was a single reachable Par Four that we played at nordvik or
hey and Hague I think 16 if you played for the members test yeah which is interesting it’s just not
they’re just not a big thing like you know whether whatever whatever reason and maybe there’s like a delayed fuse in this logo full circle and we’ll all
start shorting our courses because the cookie jar guys seems to think it’s a good idea but no I just think somebody
evolved away from it and you know for whatever reason have are quite happy with mid and long long par fours I think
that’s fine they like their courses tough over there that’s my observation I would say that what happens when you’re
on tour is that certainly individually you go through Peaks and troughs like
you can be you can be riding a wave or you could just wanna just like punch your own face
um and I’d say around the seventh at kenama Sam was 100 off door
I was getting it in the neck uh on a few things on my phone it was just like you
know I hate on the phone with me but because you’re there and you’re doing a bit on Instagram and we’re away from our family yeah and you just need to know
and the phone’s like buzzing in my pocket life it’s like this Disney is dealing with so that’s sorted and then I
think it was about that same time where I got a message from my host at nordvike saying Sam we’ve just so you know we’re
teeing off a one one fourth yes one or something and I was like I mean
unless we’re gonna play the next 10 holes in 45 minutes we are snookered
here uh that’s why that’s excited kind of you know confess up to Christian on
the on the ninth T which by the way was a outstanding golf all that nine wow I
mean that tea box yeah was incredible and the view down
just oh what a stunning golf hole with a clubhouse in the background yeah that’s where I think some of these things
coming in is that that Amphitheater with the dunes around it kind of moves up to the right
everything’s pushing you to push your T-shirt to the right but you’ve actually got to play so far away from the the
green really haven’t you left is a much safer play yeah it’s safe for just longer in isn’t it but it’s not slam it
left and then just hit something straight up up the heart of it yeah yeah I mean and and then and then you know 10
10 was amazing staggering you know just a great run of hole after great run of hole
um I can keep saying way more undulating the weird thing with cannabis you never saw the C
we’re going to sort of see with any of the lynx courses we’ve played one even nordvike where you really not even pretty much hear the waves lapping you
can’t see it yeah interesting not even from the clubhouse so after awesome playing the last few
holes in foursomes at kenoma sadly we didn’t get to see 16 17 18 but we did
play 15 we arguably the standout part three I mean again two is oh incredible part three as well but played the 15th
just another cool thing about 15 and also the whole of kenma is all the war
bunkers correct remember do you get some footage to that no no no
we couldn’t like but we’re completely no but they’re hidden are they so the gold green Keepers sheds or the current green
keeper sheds I think are still in problem so so if you can go back and get some footage
of some some woke bunker entrances World War II obviously you know occupation of certain golf courses and parts of land
um and you know there’s reminders of this like you know we’ll obviously put some stuff in the films I think case was showing us the the Lancaster bomber that
had crashed on the 14th Fairway at Eindhoven well at canima you’ve got
122 German occupied bunkers underneath the ground these aren’t sand bunkers no
these are concrete you know structures underneath now some of them are gone but
the green keepers are still using them it’s like and some of them you can see in there like little storm shelters yeah
yeah they’re usually like the worst storm ever comes you’re probably gonna be all right if you’ve tucked away in there
um but yeah no unbelievable because there was that big one on 15 which was the world class Par 3 which is what I
just distribution reminder I’m just talking about look off to the right don’t you and you’re like that’s right yeah I think that was the only other
side when we came off 15 IT cameras like crikey the enormity of what we signed up to here and the amount of golf and
travel is like it was quite over facing because it was like I hate being late for things and we were like cranky with
stressed stretched to get to nordvi care so much about nordvite can’t wait to see it and you there’s a there’s a little
reminder in there the one day that we tried to to pull up to pull off too much we tried to pull off too much every day
but 32 courses in a day I really wanted to hang longer at Canada yeah you know I
wanted to enjoy lunch I wanted to play the 18 holes in the morning I would have loved to send the A9 and the Panic stuff
I don’t want to go back and and try and and try and I just think there’s a lesson in there for us you know we would
we wouldn’t have got through these courses and we desperately wanted to Showcase and kind of see them and and go and do them but
you know would we have been better off to have just played one course on that that day
100 but then but then but then you wouldn’t have seen it all yeah exactly so this is the thing and but someone
like Japan where even with tiger and laptops being carried down by case and so on yeah we did I think that was
probably the course we got to know Eindhoven as well actually because we did get there early morning and we weren’t rushing away from that we had
dinner I think I ain’t over in Japan we probably got more of a sense of what those courses were like when we were on
site 11 till nine or ten a track we were on site pretty much from eight till six and then it was like oh crikey and you
need time to fall in love with it and I know we would take the piss because I’m like if there’s one saying now that I really hate it’s ticking off golf
courses but I think that’s fair like I think this whole concept of I’m going to go to the extension and tick it off it’s like
no do not need to go and tick off anywhere and you know we sit on this podcast at
times preaching about like you know you should stay put in one place and do all that and then you it was just a shame that we didn’t get
to spend the whole day at Canada and also hell I’d love to spend a little bit longer at nordvike as well because
playing the 18 holes and then you know looking at some of the core stuff with Martin and
you know could have hung there as well a lot longer yeah it’s a it’s a really difficult
um balance to get right and I think I don’t ever regret anything that I do I
would have liked to have spent more time a Canada for sure um
and hopefully uh you know I’d love to go back and have another crack of that because that was that was really good price because a lot
of excuse me a lot of um time we spend looking at the course but
the club is so important to it all and it’s harder to get a feel for the club when it is just like in and out just
like oh yeah it’s got wood paneling yeah and you learn so much more on repeat with these things
and we’re just going to leave it there at the end of the Roundup part one podcast there will be a part two coming out
shortly so keep your eyes and ears peeled for part two podcasts of our trip to Netherlands
once again huge thank you to FootJoy sponsor for this series and until next time

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